How long can it be left out?


My Patronus is a Chicken
11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
My RIR laid her first egg yesterday. I didn't notice it when I let the girls out at around 11 though it could easily have been there and I just didn't see it. I went out at around 1:30 and saw it in the corner of the coop. It was laying in full sun and it was pretty hot out (low 90s). Is it still safe to eat or should I wait and eat the next one?
I would say it should be fine. Offen we don't get our eggs till after I get off work. Sometimes they are in the sun. Sometimes there is a chicken who decides to be broody. (this also keeps the egg very warm) and the eggs are always fine, we have never had a problem yet.
I say enjoy your first egg!

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