How long can you treat with Tylan?

I am new to this whole chicken thing...
I have a question for you..
We have been treating our chickens for the smae problem swollen eyes, we were told to use Sulmet,
They are still laying eggs..As I seen yours were as well...We have Not been using the eggs..Is it safe
to use eggs when chickens are on antibiotics..If not, do you know how long you should wait before
you can use the eggs again? We only started this last night, Are thier eggs they laid today good? I
wish I knew more, any answers you can give me will be helpful, Thanks!!
I been told dont eat eggs from medicated hens, as you will eat antibiotic residue. Later if and when you need antibiotics the bugs will have built a resistance to that drug. Folks on this website say not to eat eggs for two weeks after treatment, I wait at least a week. I am new as well, less than 1 year raising hens, and I have had horrible losses. I use Sulmet for Cocci, I dont know if its effective vs that swollen eye thing. Its supposed to be some respiratory disease. Try Tylan-50. $50 dollar drug for a 3 dollar chicken, what a racket.
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Tylan 50 injectable can be purchased at tractor supply for 11.00 for 100 cc bottle ,treat with 1 cc for big chickens 1/2 cc for smaller chickens and chicks Xs 3 days. My chickens had a cough and nasty eyes most cleared up by the 3rd day some I treated 5 days. I wormed them with wyzine,and treated with corrid but the tylan worked.
Tylan 50 injectable can be purchased at tractor supply for 11.00 for 100 cc bottle ,treat with 1 cc for big chickens 1/2 cc for smaller chickens and chicks Xs 3 days. My chickens had a cough and nasty eyes most cleared up by the 3rd day some I treated 5 days. I wormed them with wyzine,and treated with corrid but the tylan worked.
Welcome to BYC. This thread is almost 2 years old lol, a little late to respond dont you think?

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