How long do chickens live?

I grew up with 2 pet chickens. One lived about 9 years and the other about 12 or so. They were great pets, After having such great memories of my pet chickens as a kid I always wanted to have some in my home, so that my kids would have the same experience. This past summer we got 2 12 week old Buff Orpingtons pullets.
My husband built them a very nice coop and run and just yesterday we got out "First Egg". I'm so proud of my now little hen. She'd been acting different for about a week (caw....cawing all day) and even is letting us pick her up now. Bringing back many childhood memories.
This is for Avas who wrote:

Guys - I have a problem. Regarding aging chickens. I won't eat them, I don't eat meat BUT my husband does and he wants to "retire" them when they stop laying. I take care of our chickens and I don't want to lose them, especially by human hands. My husband says he wont support chickens that are not producing. This makes me sick. I have argued and argued. My 9 chickens are going on 2 years old and laying great but I dread the day they stop. Aside from going to the store and planting eggs in the coop for the next 15 - 20 years (which is what I had planned, LOL), is there such thing as a real sancuary for chickens to go? I have no problem keeping mine but I'm worried about what my husband might do.

Don't look to make your dilemma someone else's problem. There are not enough 'sanctuaries' to take in people's chickens because they have husbands who want to kill them. You took on a responsibility to care for them until the end when you either purchased or adopted your girls in the first place. It is no different than having any other pet. Leave the sanctuaries and rescues to take in animals from the truly cruel people such as the factory farms, etc.

Tell your husband he will not have to support them and YOU make sure to care for them until they pass on their own or become ill and need to be euthanized. I am vegetarian and my husband is not. If my husband ever threatened to kill any of my pets (chickens, dogs, cats, etc.) I would report him to the authorities and I would divorce him in a heartbeat. I could never live with or be associated with someone like that. But before anything I would take my pets to safety first.

If you are really "worried about what my husband might do." you better rethink your marriage. I would never trust any person who threatens to kill any living creature simply because it is of no use to them personally. These are your chickens, your babies, not his to kill.
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Excellent info from everyone, thanks. I have an ancient non-laying hen who wandered in 2 months ago and has won my heart. I keep her as a pet but have no practical chicken-keeping experience. A neighbor said she was about 11 years old and he could tell from the thickness of the scales on her legs. Is that true? Can you really tell a chicken's age from the scales on the legs? A few of the neighbors are kinda fullashit. Thx! Lys

Thick scales on a chicken's feet and legs are caused by mites.
Not by old age. Scaley leg mites can be treated by dipping the legs in mineral oil.
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Well darn! My rooster will turn 8 years old this spring and he's already asking for Viagra....Oh the humanity!!
My oldest roo is four and he shows very little interest in the ladies. He is, however, very keen on making sure the younger boys don't get any action either.
My old chicken passed last night she was my granddaughter first chicken she was only 8 but we loved her so much.she will be missed.
PC, So sorry for you loss also. My oldest died at 10 yrs old. My second oldest is a silkie hen that will turn 9 yrs. and really slowing down. She's the last of my Power Puff Girls from a decade ago. I call her Granny. Her quality of life is all I care about. She still free ranges and hangs with the younger generation but just much slower. So sorry Penny, I know she had a wonderful life.
Thanks for all the information on how long chickens live! I was delightfully surprised! You fall in love with them and their antics after you have them awhile...and the eggs are a bonus!!

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