How long do chicks need the medicated feed?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 10, 2009
Western North Carolina
My BA's are 15 weeks old. Do they need the medicated feed until they start laying?

Mine are also 15 weeks old and I've never used medicated feed.No problems to date with any illnesses. I still have mine on starter/grower and treats until it's time to switch to layer pellets.
If you can find seperate grower and want to switch you can do so around 8 weeks, otherwise you can keep them on the feed you have until 18 to 20 weeks or you get your first egg; whichever comes first.
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I had this same question so I asked my local feed store and I was told that Purina Feed recommends to stay on medicated starter/grower until they are 18 weeks old. I also read somewhere that you should keep the medicated feed away from the older birds as they may overdose on the meds.
Don't forget to give the hens sufficient time to pass the medication through their system before consuming their eggs!

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