How long do eggs last outside?


Apr 26, 2015
We found some eggs behind our woodshed, I'm wondering if they're okay to eat. We have a broody hen who has been sitting on the nest (with no eggs), they all like to lay in so the other 2 have been laying less. We have found the occasional egg in the nest in the coop. They also have just started laying in our mint.

My husband found these today, and I suspect they were layed in the last 2 weeks or so since the brooding started but not sure. I put them in water and they did not float, I saw that in a "peeling fresh eggs" thread.

Would you say these are safe to eat?

We're actually low on eggs, I had just given away the last of our eggs when this started. We usually get about 3/day on average but now it took us over a week to have 4 for breakfast this morning. Broody isn't laying any eggs and the others way less
If it were me, I'd say they'd be fine if they don't float. If you have a rooster I would candle them to make sure they're not growing something. Otherwise, when you use them, crack them into a separate bowl. Eggs that are going bad will also have a weak yolk. If the color and texture is fine after cracking, eat away! I don't refrigerate my eggs at all in the house, and I've had eggs that are still perfectly good after 6+ weeks. Unless you're looking at very hot temps outside, I don't see how that would be any different.
When not exposed to below freezing or extreme heat (>90 F) they can last at least 10 days and some can exceed 21 days and still be viable. Move eggs under broody hen and candle them at about eight days into incubation to remove duds.
Thanks, I figured they'd probably be good. We don't have a rooster, we thought about getting her some fertilized eggs to sit on

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