How long do you wait until you intervene?

The other pipped egg that I was worried about I had to rescue today. That one was shrink wrapped. That one is also fine, thankfully. He had made progress over night but only the egg shell was coming off, the membrane wasn't going anywhere. I spray it with mist and waited all day for some more progress and decided I better help. All went well and he is doing great. Now there is one more in there that is only slightly pipped and it may already be gone. I have seen nothing more out of that one for 2 days now...this used to fun.
I'm sorry that lil one didn't make it, but Congrats on moving ahead and helping the one hatch and I hope the other will hatch so it will have a buddy. Are these Muscovy's your hatching? I could not do hatching in a bator, no nope not me. I'd rather let my girls do it. Much less stress.

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