How long does it take after transitioning new hens in a flock before they start laying again?


Nov 19, 2016
Huntington, Indiana
Hello, about 3 months ago I got 2 Jersey Giant hens, and they laid for about 3 days after I brought them home, but didn't lay any after those couple days, how long does it take for chickens to start laying again? I know it's winter, will they begin in spring? Do Jersey Giant Hens need more food?? Thanks!
Age makes a difference in respect of laying through the short winter days. Pullets should lay through their first winter but the move might have been enough to disrupt that. How old are they? The stress of moving to a new home usually takes a couple of weeks but is very much an individual thing and some take longer, others less time. Integrating into a new flock as well as moving home may add to the length of time, particularly if there are pecking order issues.

As regards food, it is best to allow them ad lib access to a formulated feed so that they can get as much as they need. Treats and scraps should be kept to a minimum as this upsets the delicate balance of nutrients that they need to be healthy and produce eggs. Scratch should be considered as a treat and very little given or none given.

Good luck with them and I hope they provide you with some more eggs soon.
In my experience only production hens lay thru winter without supplementing light, even first year birds. My JG and Brahma never laid in winter. I get inconsistent laying from even some of my hybrid production girls thru first winter and there after til about February or March. I guess it depends on where ya live.
That is true time of hatch does play a part in it. I was actually surprised mine didn't stop laying until mid December this year. My ducks are still laying, but all their eggs are frozen, due to it being so cold when they lay em they crack n freeze...warm eggs coming out into freezing temps causes em to crack n freeze almost instantly.
I am also wondering this !

I re-homed 4 Hens in early Dec. ( 2 Welsummer, 2 Crested cream Legbars) They are all right at a full year old. They moved in with my 6 Various other breeds and a frizzle rooster.
The Welsummers started laying the 1st week of January. The Legbars have not laid one egg yet and I am especially anxious as they are supposed to lay blue eggs.
I have attached some images of all the chickens. This week I had a new coop built and have moved them all into it with a caged grazing area ( due to hawk attacks) and I have attached a pic of the old and new coop as well. Hoping that does not add to the delay. Any thoughts as to why they are not laying yet? Or how long that should take? I adopted a grown Polish Hen and she took 3 months off laying when I did that ( but it was also around fall moulting time)


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