how long does it take for a hen to become broody?


7 Years
Apr 1, 2012
Colchester, IL
I have a flock of buff orpingtons and i am hoping to let a couple of hens brood. so far i have left eggs in one of the nest for about a week hoping for a hen to decide to brood them they just keep laying more eggs in the nest but no one is staying on the nest. How long does it take for hens to usually become broody?

Not all hens will become broody, but when they do, you will know it. They will sit on a golf ball if that's all that is in the nest.
I have about 20 hens that are a year old, only 5 of them have ever went broody. 3 of them have gone broody twice and one has gone broody 3 times. They either will or they won't nothing you can do to make them go broody. That was one of the reasons I picked the Aurstralorps because they do go broody.

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