How long does it take for the chick to hatch, from the first pip?

My experience has been 12-24 hours from first pip to hatch. Grab a cup of coffee, it's going to be a looong night!
I hear ya. I usually pull up a chair and sit near the bator with a beverage in one hand and my camera in the other. It's fun to take pictures as the stages progress AND post them for the rest of us to see!!!
The first time I hatched eggs in a bator was on Christmas. I had been watching all morning and nothing but a few pips early that morning. Had to leave for family at dinner, and when I got back after midnight there were a handfull of fluff balls. I missed it all:(
That would kill me. After I see the first pip, I go into lockdown myself. NO leaving the house!
Yeah I know. I wanted to see them hatch, they were supposed to hatch the day before. But when its Christmas, you know...
Well, I was waiting and waiting and I have about six out of the shell, but they are still attached to the bottom of the shell. Except one. They are all breathing, etc., kicking every now and then. I keep checking on them. I have about 10 or so more eggs, no more pips yet. But I candled them yesterday and they were moving, so....I'm hoping. So as slow as these guys are, they may be fluff balling it around the bator in the morning.

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