Long before my husband wanted bees (I always did too, so it's ok) I wanted chickens. We have the bees. I'm still waiting for the chickens
But he's a wonderful guy, I know sooner or later that coop will start to go up!
I think my hubby is happy that I'm happy when I'm with the birds. He does however hate the roo, and I guess I can't blame him. He calls him "Sunday Dinner", real name Peep(no longer a peep) named by my son. I thought he would have heart failure when he came home from work to find my sick bird sitting on a log in front of the wood stove. He took one look at me and said " I knew it". I must have warned him the day before when I was worrying aloud about a sickly bird. Hey, two days in front of a warm fire and the little fella was better and has pulled through. I keep begging to get peahens and he's still saying "NO". But I'll wear him down eventually. TEEHEE
You forgot...
1.Your not getting more, are you...
2.When are they getting here
he.gif have been traded for chickens!
4.Of course you have to look at that chicken forum again.
5.Don't you dare get more!
6. i built that coop for you, what do I get?

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He acts like he hates "my darn cat" as well, but I see him plaing with him, laughing at him and pointing out silly stuff he does. When I said this exact thing to him this morning his face went back to"darn cat" in a flash!
Mine is a grumbling softie!

He grumbles for a bit to me, then talks to them when he out there. He even 'defends' them from snakes. Last year he pulled one out of the coop with a rake, and another time he broke a sword in a fight with another
(long story, snake lost)
The worst of it now is: "Don't stay on line with those chicken people all night...."
Mine hasn't been as happy about the whole idea (which he got me into in the first place after I mentioned missing having them) since we've been checking prices for lumber and fencing for their run! LOL He did it to himself by jumping into action less than 24 hours after I stated that I'd like to get back into keeping chickens...
Hubby bought me 5 buff orp pullets yesterday. They are beautiful. I'm beginning to think grumbling = happy for you. teehee. Love the man who secretly loves the chickens.
My DH is a GRUMBLING softie too as long as the birds don't interfere with his point of view (literally) too much. That means they go outside and he gets eggs. Eggs make DH VERY HAPPY. He gets to be the BRINGER of EGGS at work which makes him a BIG HIT! I told him chickens were good for his social relationships--it gets him out of his cubby office and students to mingle and show his generous nature. hee hee.
Of course everything was fine until our T-Rex went broody, the buff orpingtons haven't started laying yet to replace the broody....oh and 19 chicks in the garage where he can't park his beloved car anymore and they are trying to escape. Then we have 30 some eggs in the bator. DH keeps asking "how big of an operation are you going to have anyways" to which I sweetly reply, OH! Lets see what color eggs they lay first..snort snort giggle giggle. Then you can give the eggs away and they will all have different colors! hee hee.

Of course he comes into the computer room now and goes...what are you doing? Oooohhh I see you are chatting with those Chicken people again or the "horse people" again. But he will read over my shoulder on occassion, offer a merry or cynical comment and then tempt me with some refreshment. Its not too bad. I told him it keeps me out of trouble! It could be worse...I could be a shop-a-holic like my mom!
mine just called and said, "on the chicken page?"
Where else does he think I'll be?
I'm building a bator out of one of his coolers very soon....GOTTA HATCH.....MY mom never warned me about THIS addiction.LOL Maybe I should tell the kids to just say no to chickens..NEVAH
I suggested the chicken idea almost a year ago with hesitation and surprisingly, he said okay (he grew up on a farm). He built a wonderful coop and run and goes out there pretty often to get eggs, feed and just mess around. They're definitely MY chickens and MY responsibility (with pleasure), but I can tell he likes having them around.

Now, he didn't like the idea of more chicks hanging out in the garage (his "room") after this last delivery two weeks ago, but I told him it was either there or our bathroom, he could take his pick

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