How long does it typically take for hens to lay eggs


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 27, 2010
We just brought home adult hens who were laying in the fall, but not much this winter. We added artificial light 3 days ago, their previous owners weren't doing this. I have no idea of when there's even a chance that we'll see our girls give us eggs. Any idea's of what we could expect, days, weeks, months? Thanks for your feedback!
Depends on age and health of the bird and what feed you are giving them. If they have ample calcium/protein etc. could be as early as a few days.
It's best to add the light a little at a time, like the increasing days of springtime. If you add 15-30 minutes a week it should get them going. They are probably stressed out from the move, just give them a few weeks.
I've bought adult hens a couple times. It took a week or two for them to start laying again. I think the move causes some stress, plus I think they need to feel like this is their "home" as well. Just give them a little more time....
We got our first egg TODAY! Only 5 days after we brought them home. Cool!

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