How Long Does Sulmet Take To Work??


7 Years
Jun 16, 2012
Zone 8a
I've got chicks with Cocci.

I started Sulmet yesterday in EVERYONE'S drinking water, as well as switched everyone back to the medicated food.

There was one lethargic, not standing up chick and I separated her into her own tub, under a heat lamp, because she seemed cold.

I thought she was doing better, when I checked her before bed, she was standing and had eaten and drank a little water. Her poops were white [and not blood]

This morning, there's another chick acting similar [ruffled, dirty feathers, lethargic, not eating] I moved her to the tub with the other one.

How long does this Sulmet take to work?? When should I expect the treatment to start making an improvement?

~~~~~~Also, are full grown hens more immune to it? I'm treating my hen's water, but they seem fine.
The speed it works depends on the severity but I'd say within a few days. Yes, fully grown birds already have resistance to cocci so they don't get it unless they are in a really nasty pen.
Thanks Galanie! You've been just fantastic for giving me all of these answers!

I'm just so scared that I'm going to lose them :( I lost my first flock to URD....I bought my pullets from the same person who made our coop and about a week after they got here, they all had the runny noses, wheezes and sneezes. Then they started dropping like flies. It was a terrible experience and I thought that there was no way my new flock would get sick, as I change their bedding and rotate their coops regularly. They get clean water and good food. As well as weekly oxine sprays!

I hope they make it and nobody else gets sick.

I guess it's just a waiting game now then....

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