How long does the pecking order take to establish?


9 Years
Apr 29, 2013
We put our 3 chickens with our laying pullets. Two of the chicks are now 13 weeks old and the third is 12 weeks old. The 2 flocks are really the same size, thankfully no blood has been drawn, but 2 out of our 5 laying pullets pick on the little ones when they get close. They've been together for I guess at least 2 weeks. The chicks are still scared of the bigger ones, even if the bigger one doesn't pay attention to them. How much longer will it take for them to get settled?
The 'pecking order' is an ever changing social structure. Those higher up continually reinforce their positions, and those on the low end are looking for an opportunity to improve their positions. It actually sounds as if things are going quite well. As long as blood is not being drawn, all is good.
It seems to take forever. Today our EE got herself in the run with all the older ones and ran around whining while getting pecked on, but she's quite dramatic. She kinda yelps when you pet her!
........2 out of our 5 laying pullets pick on the little ones when they get close. .......... How much longer will it take for them to get settled?

Important thing is when you said "Get close." They'll probably do it until about they time they get full grown, if they even stop then. I've got several hens that really arn't even part of the pecking order, they just peck everybody that gets close.

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