How long for a flock to adjust to changes?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Carroll County, MD
I had a flock of 10 of which is now 9. I was told here by my previous post that we had too high of a rooster to hen ratio so we took care of one problem rooster on Saturday.

The original problem was that 2 roosters in particular would not let the hens out of the coop into our run. If they would attempt it they would chase them back in. Then when I would let them free range the roosters would chase the hens constantly and not leave them alone. All along I knew the ranks were Silver Laced Wyandotte as the head rooster, Austrolorp (rest his soul in chicken heaven) as 2nd in command and a potential 3rd rooster a Buff Cochin. The Buff Cochin is not crowing at 15 weeks and I've seen it attempt to mate but its not often. It doesn't chase the hens but coexists pretty well with them.

Since the one Austrolorp is gone they group seems to free range better but the SLW will not allow the girls out of the coop into the run. Could this be because the other Cochin is a rooster? Like I said he's not crowing but his feathers are a little flashier than his cochin pullet of the same age. Also his comb and wattles are bigger oh and the SLW Rooster has mated with just about every other pullet but this potential rooster LOL. Could it be the flock needs more time to adjust or do I have a rooster issue again?

Today I made them go out into the run together and put the door to the coop down so they have to stay out. Everyone seems to be doing ok but I can tell the pullets really want in and away from the SLW rooster and even they try to keep away from the Cochin a little. Its bad enough he (the SLW) keeps them in the coop but they go up on the roosts all day long to stay away from him. Its going to be getting too hot for the girls to stay in all day and frankly we have a fantastic sized run that they should be in!

I hate to have to make the decision between the Cochin and SLW but if I have to I will (if that is what our issue is). The cochin is very friendly he will actually follow me all over the place and the girls seem to be less bothered by him. The SLW rooster is just beautiful though...acting more like a traditional rooster. Deciding to get rid of the Austrolorp wasn't so hard....this choice will be much harder.

Is it possible there's something the SLW roo thinks he's protecting the girls from? What happens if you remove him for a while? That could lower his arrogance level...
Removing him doesn't do a whole lot. I've let the girls free range all day and left him in the run and he pretty much acts the same. I just don't get why he keeps them running in the coop. That run is beyond a shadow of a doubt secure. We have a dog but its never been out while they are.

I'm just stumped. If the cochin was crowing then for sure I would know I was dealing with 2 boys. Right now I just am pretty sure I am!

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