how long should I wait before setting my eggs?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 21, 2013
Can I grab eggs that my chickens laid and set them on the same day, or should I wait a few days?Also, can i use eggs that I have had sitting in the fridge for a few days already?
Can I grab eggs that my chickens laid and set them on the same day, or should I wait a few days?Also, can i use eggs that I have had sitting in the fridge for a few days already?

I get great results from the ones I take from the nest and place in the bator ( as long as they aren't cold and the incubator is to warm) , The fresher the better, I generally don't let them sit longer than 7 days anyways.
As for the first edges that your hens have laid, i would give it about 24 hours before putting them in an incubator. As for the refrigerated eggs, i would give that a day so it can get to room temperature, but if it has been more that 5 or so days, i don't think they will hatch.
oops... Folks do refrigerated eggs a lot, I have yet to try it but plan on it... I'm not sure on the percentage tho, maybe someone with more experience can answer that for you.
yah I actually bought 12 fertile eggs from tradermjoes and so far... meh. The refrigerated embryos seem to be much weaker. so far, of the 12 i put in there, i have five still going strong on day 18. Wish me luck!!

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