How long till a baby keet (ginnefoul ) grows fully?

You have messaged me before, and i have adult guineas... they about 1 year, i plan on putting my chicks in with the big guys when they look healthy, and make sure they can run, or fly just in case, if they get picked on just put them back where they were before, to test you can take one or two of the big ones, and put them with some of your chicks and she how they both respond, and react, it took a day or two with my other guys to be ok with it,at first the bigs ones will peck at the smaller ones, its normal, but make sure they stop Hope this helps
Guineas can be mean to new birds. I would put them in with the bigger ones when they are about the same size as the others so they have half a chance of protecting themselves. I have guineas who will body slam even much larger roosters than themselves and can really hurt them.

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