How long till the new pullets are fully accepted into the flock?

Colorado Chick

5 Years
Sep 27, 2014
Hi all, I introduced three fully feathered chics to my existing flock of three 1 year old hens this past spring. While the hens are no longer going after them upon site, they are still not apart of the gang. They won't share roosting space, feed while eating, or treats I bring out. The pullets are a month or two from laying. I was just wondering on average how long it takes for everyone to get along? Thanks!
Usually hens raised together stay together and they don't mingle too much with those older or younger, it's kinda like high school. My roosters don't even mate the hens older than them. That's why it's bad to only have a single one introduced.
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Every group you introduce will be it's own clique, so to say. They will never really group together like a flock that was raised together. I remember years back when I had 5 or 6 distinct cliques in my flock, of 2-6 chickens each. Everybody had their own turf in the yard and their own turn at the feeder. Only a few birds switched cliques as they grew up.
Ok, that makes sense. The older hens aren't pulling pullet Feathers anymore, and they are civil to one another. They just don't like to share feed and perches! Which in a small coop, that doesn't make it easy. Thanks everyone!

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