How long to continue brewers yeast?


Jun 1, 2022
I’ve tried searching here for the answer and keep finding different answers.

I have 5 ducks that are 7.5 weeks old. I still give them 1 Tab per 1 cup of purina duck pellets and one of the ducks is still getting durvet vitamin b comple orally 1ml (going on 3rd week) for bowed inward leg. I’m starting to think he did something to his leg at this point but he had niacin deficiency problems in the past so that is why I’ve continued treatment. Some days he is better than other. My other 4 are all good and healthy. My question is do I continue the brewers yeast for their whole lives or is there a point I stop adding the brewers yeast to their food if I continue to give the purina duck pellets since it has niacin in it?
What breed? It's rec to use Brewers yeast/nutritional yeast until at least 10-12 weeks old [this is when they are growing the fastest]some heavier breeds like Pekins may have to be on it their entire lives.
The largest one I have is a saxony. The others are smaller breeds. No Pekins.
I’ve tried searching here for the answer and keep finding different answers.

I have 5 ducks that are 7.5 weeks old. I still give them 1 Tab per 1 cup of purina duck pellets and one of the ducks is still getting durvet vitamin b comple orally 1ml (going on 3rd week) for bowed inward leg. I’m starting to think he did something to his leg at this point but he had niacin deficiency problems in the past so that is why I’ve continued treatment. Some days he is better than other. My other 4 are all good and healthy. My question is do I continue the brewers yeast for their whole lives or is there a point I stop adding the brewers yeast to their food if I continue to give the purina duck pellets since it has niacin in it?
I have a gander that has been very weak on his legs
Falls over and not bathing as it’s to hard for him
Have given vitamins , niacin, mites, worms, treated for all and still not good it’s been 5 weeks now he came abit better a couple of days ago and gone down hill again I’m very concerned but not sure what else to do for him
I have a gander that has been very weak on his legs
Falls over and not bathing as it’s to hard for him
Have given vitamins , niacin, mites, worms, treated for all and still not good it’s been 5 weeks now he came abit better a couple of days ago and gone down hill again I’m very concerned but not sure what else to do for him
I'm sorry about your poor gander. You might try starting a thread for him in the diseases/emergency forum. I don't know e ought about geese to offer advice.
I have a gander that has been very weak on his legs
Falls over and not bathing as it’s to hard for him
Have given vitamins , niacin, mites, worms, treated for all and still not good it’s been 5 weeks now he came abit better a couple of days ago and gone down hill again I’m very concerned but not sure what else to do for him
I would start a new thread asking for help. I’m not familiar with gander. The duck I had that I though had niacin deficiency turned out to be a slipped tendon that couldn’t be corrected bc it was too late. She developed bumble foot over and over and I had to give her up to someone that maybe can help her better than I could. Which was super hard bc she was my favorite duck. If you have treated with all of those you mentioned then I’m really not sure what could be going on. If his legs are in good shape and no wounds anywhere then I would think it would be something internal or sick from maybe ingesting something, but I’m really not sure. I’m so sorry and hope you can find some answers!

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