how long to give a new chick to recover?


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Rocky Mountains

Most of my chicks from Ideal got here in fine shape. The bantams fared the worst, two were DOA and one was almost dead. I thought it was dead until it moved it's beak. I've revived it to where it can open it's eyes and stand up, but it's shaking it's head every few seconds and not trying to eat or drink or walk.

Is it better to euthanize a chick like this sooner or to give it some time? I have dipped it's beak in sugar water and plain water several times, and I think it ate a small piece of chick starter that was on it's beak. It has been out of the box 4 hours. Seems almost like a neurological issue to me.

I would give it a full 24 hours to get back up on it's feet. I had a chick shiver for hours but was unidentifiable from the rest the next morning. However, you see your birds and if it is really bad or getting worse, then do what you think is best for it.
Thank you!

Is it better to keep him separate? He occasionally looks distressed and peeps to his buddies. I am not sure if he's better off having some company & stimulation or quiet time.

Maybe I can find a box he can see through?


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