How long to keep laying Hens???

FWIW, our flock of 8 (7 4 years old and 1 9 years old) was still giving us 6 eggs a day in the height of summer this year. They took a break for molting in December and then the eggs returned starting in January, right though a cold VT winter. We could start selling extras again by mid February. We found a home for the 7 4-year-olds (we weren't going to have time to slaughter them this year) and kept the 9-year-old Henny Penny as a pet, assuming she didn't lay any more. Boy were we surprised to discover that she still lays an egg every other day!!! like clockwork. Not the hugest eggs, but she goes into her favorite nesting box every other morning and gets the job done. She's a big Buff Rock, still looking good at 9!! So it all depends on the breed, how much range and food they have available (our birds have a big netting fence that is moved weekly and lots of kitchen scraps in addition to their feed, plus corn in winter since there's no heat in our barn and it gets COLD).
Wow, way to go granny Henny-Penny! I love my Barred Rock and hope she lasts that long. I will always have a Rock on my flock. When the Sussexes go (smallish eggs, bossy personalities) I was thinking of going for a Partridge but maybe I should try a Buff. Wait, I will have to get one of each and compare!
I have a few older birds. All are still laying. They are all heritage or old world breeds. All bought from long time breeders. I have had RIR that were still laying for me at 5 and 6 yrs old. Also have some 6 yr old Andalusians that are still giving me an egg a day. A lot of my older birds were my show birds or important to my breeding program so they get to live there days out in comfort. We have over a hundred birds so feeding 20 old ones doesn't make that much of a dent in the feed bill. I feel I owe it to them. When I do hatch they still throw beautiful chicks so if I get 2 eggs a week and they all hatch, I am happy with the return.

I have noticed though that my hatchery birds ( got a few just for eggs and not breeding) don't seem to live as long and or lay as long. I think their life span is about 3 or so years. To me the heritage lines are a little stronger (at least for Florida).

Oh PS - I have 4 year old Black Spanish Turkeys that still lay for me daily. Is that good for turkeys and how long do they usually live/stay productive?

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