how long to use chick crumbles?


11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Mid/UpState NY's Hudson Valley
I have a batch of 7 chicks that are around 5-6 weeks old and fully feathered. How long do I need to keep them on chick crumble before they can eat grower's pellets with the rest of the girls?

I'm nearly out of chick feed..I really don't want to buy another 50lbs..but I don't want them to starve..

They are fully integrated in the coop with the big girls..I just turned the lamp off...they come and go into their run as they please...
It's blue seal...which is what our agway carries.. in crumble, and then growers or layers pellets

I don't have the bag.. it's in a bin.. I'll see if their website says when to switch. Mostly I was just concerned that they be able to eat the pellets (ie could break them to eat them)

My last batch a broody raised.. she broke the pellets for them to eat.. so I didn't worry about it
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