How long?


In the Brooder
Jun 22, 2015
We lost two of the girls to a fox a couple weeks ago, and want to replace them. The two (drake and hen) that we have left seem to be pretty traumatized by the fox experience (as expected). They don't want to leave the safety of their pen (10x10 dog kennel), even if we are out there with them. My wife thinks we should wait to get new ducks for a while. I don't know how strong the flock mentality actually is, being first time duck owners. I'm scheduled to pick up a new WH tomorrow... Any thoughts?

EDIT: sounds like I should wait until spring after talking to the lady I was getting my next duck from
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Every few years something will kill or get one of my muscovy ducks, though sometimes I think they only see a predator, they will stay inside the shed and won't venture out for a couple of weeks, I'm sure yours will do the same. They do forget after a while, I'm not sure if it's trauma or if it's cautious fear.
We lost two of the girls to a fox a couple weeks ago, and want to replace them. The two (drake and hen) that we have left seem to be pretty traumatized by the fox experience (as expected). They don't want to leave the safety of their pen (10x10 dog kennel), even if we are out there with them. My wife thinks we should wait to get new ducks for a while. I don't know how strong the flock mentality actually is, being first time duck owners. I'm scheduled to pick up a new WH tomorrow... Any thoughts?

EDIT: sounds like I should wait until spring after talking to the lady I was getting my next duck from
If you decide to get this WH you'll need to do intros slowly so your new girl doesn't get picked on as an intruder. Best way to do into is through fencing. Thankfully we haven't had to go through the trauma of losing any of ours to a pred and seeing what it can do to those left, but shock is very real so it may help or it may not to get a new duck but you want to keep them all safe and secure.
very sorry for your loss.
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I decided not to get any new ducks until spring, and the girl i get my ducks from agreed. Ducks are rough on a new addition, and winter is not a good time to bring in another. She would have to be in the pen, outside the kennel and I'm not completely sure it's safe from foxes. Till spring time! Thanks for the replies
I decided not to get any new ducks until spring, and the girl i get my ducks from agreed. Ducks are rough on a new addition, and winter is not a good time to bring in another. She would have to be in the pen, outside the kennel and I'm not completely sure it's safe from foxes. Till spring time! Thanks for the replies
When you bring home any new ducks especially if you have a hormonal drake they will still need to be introduced through fencing for a while. And when put into coop at night together you can use a large dog crate to keep them safe from being picked on. When ever you introduce they will be looked upon as intruders until resident ducks get use to them. All the best to you and your ducks. The plastic poultry fencing is easy to put up and take down and works really well for introductions I use it anytime I have mama and ducklings so the flock gets to meet but can't harm anyone.
Yeah, we found that out the hard way, that ducks are pretty rough on newbie's. Our WH got picked on, and we had to quarantine her like you said. I built a temporary wall from expanded metal to separate them in the coop (it's only 4' x 4' inside). I just NEED those eggs :D Store bought chicken eggs don't cut it!
Yeah, we found that out the hard way, that ducks are pretty rough on newbie's. Our WH got picked on, and we had to quarantine her like you said. I built a temporary wall from expanded metal to separate them in the coop (it's only 4' x 4' inside). I just NEED those eggs :D Store bought chicken eggs don't cut it!
No comparison is there between store bought eggs and fresh laid. Good for you you already know how to ease newbies into an existing flock. Let us know how it goes.
Finally got our first egg from her!
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Boy, I'm glad you said that, i was going to eat that this morning, lol. Because of the oxygen intrusion?

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