how many avatars have you had... how long have you had this one...

lol You're too funny TheOLDNewChick. btw I knew I recognized your pic! I've watched every episode of scrubs there is. Had them memorized to a frightening extent though and was made to stop watching them for my own mentle well being. HA Showed them, didn't I?!

I love both earthbound and harvest moon myself. Never got to play earthbound though..

Please forgive the spelling throughout..
SHE SAID YES. I need to leave the current one up a little while longer though!

See? Reverse psychology. I stated she should say "no", she said "yes".

You're welcome.
A few...
1) first one was a pic I took of a 2-week old cochin,
2) next was a pic of the same chicken at 1 yr,
3) the next was a pic I took of a butterfly on a purple butterfly bush, and
4) this one is a pic of a painting by Anthony Morrow that I have used for about a week!!!

I only know people from their avir rather than their name....... so batman robin guy when you change you will be a whole new person.
I've had this one since I joined.

Nickname is mangled, so I googled a pic of an old-time mangle.

I know, so creative.

I don't think I'll ever change it, tho'. I'd only confuse myself and lose my posts.

same here fancy...Debi confuzzles me!
Anyway, I took public stock image that looks EXACTLY like my frizzle boy, and put hearts on it, because he is HOT. It also says FrizzleFreak on it, but you can't tell.
I have had it forever and will probably keep it forever.

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