How many birds for 24 sq ft?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 1, 2009
Our coop is 24 square feet.Not sure how big the run is,but it's temporary.How many birds(and I'm sure everyone is going to have a different opinion),do you think we could have?
What kind of birds are you putting in there? Are they going to free range or stay cooped? Are they bantams or LF? Are they chickens, turkey, ducks etc?
chickens..once they get used to their new home,we will let them loose but for a bit,just the coop and temporary not sure on LF or bantams..I'm pretty new to this. We have had chickens twice but I don't know as much as DH..I'm trying to learn though
I think this may be my new hobby!
I love my birds. It is a passion and an obession
They mean the world to me and are spoiled rotten. Every bird gets individual attention every day. I have 41 birds, 2 are turkey but dont tell them that, and they were all raised being handled and touched so they are not wild or flighty. My birds freerange and when I come outside the gang run to see me and talk to me and fly up to my shoulder. When I go back inside a few will stand onn the front porch and look inthe door if it is open and crow and talk waiting for me to come back out. they make me happy. Anyway, LF is large fowl and bantams are mini chickens I have both and love love them both. I have from 22oz birds 10 pounds birds ,10+ on the turkey, I have chicks in the brooder and some in a grow out area so a large age group too. Lots are laying right now and over loading my fridge with yummy goodness
Well a rule of thumb is 4 sq ft per bird for LF and 2 sq ft per bird for bantams. That is the minimum for them to be comfortable. You need to give them a few weeks to get used to their new "home" so they know were roost and food is and if you are getting chicks it is best to wait until they are 3-5 months to freerange even 3 months to me is too little. Just imagine the tiny little bird looking so easy of a meal from the sky or from under a nearby bush
.. Anyway I like to wait until they can protect themselves and know to look out for danger. Since I have my older flock I let my 2 month olds out to range with them during the day while I am around and they learn fast from them. I hope this has helped and it wasnt an annoying repeat of things you already know lol. If I can help with anything else feel free to pm me
good luck!!

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