How many button quails


Mar 28, 2015
I have been wanting to get cotournix quails fot a while. Today I went to the pet store and saw some button quails so now I'm getting some later this week. The owner said they can only live in pairs. Is this true? What ratio of males to females should I get? They will live inside in an old extra latge repti breeze chameleon cage tipped sideways
The colors they had I think were blue face, silver, and one regular I think.
Any info on buttons is appreciated
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The pet store owner I got my first buttons from, said the males are likely to over mate the females if kept in pairs, so I got a male and 3 females. But females cost 8 times as much as males around here, so he might have had some economic interest in the advice he gave. On this forum, people usually say they should be kept in pairs. I've kept 3 hens my original group hatched and bought two new males - one male got two hens, one male got one. So now I'm experimenting on the ratio myself, but it's too early for me to conclude anything. Thus, I'd go with the advice from people on here and just get a pair. Also, I don't know how large an 'extra large repti breeze chameleon cage tipped sideways' is, but I prefer giving my buttons a minimum of 2ftx2ft for a pair, though some people use as little as 1ftx1ft.
Oh, and the 'regular' button quail is brown.

Try typing 'button quail' in the search bar and see what that gets you :) Any specific questions you've got afterwards, I'll be happy to try to answer.
Thanks. I edited the first post after some research on colors.
I think I will get 2 females and 1 male.
The chameleon cage is 18" × 36" sideways so 4.5 sq ft
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What color is this one? I thought it was silver but now I'm not sure
Hmm.. Well. Can't say I've ever seen a button with that color before. I'd call it 'Charcoal gray' if I was to decide ^^
OK. I will see if they have a male of this color next time I go. If so I'll get it and hopefully they will produce more

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