How Many Chicken Owners Live in Urban Neighborhoods?

i live almost in teh center of edinburgh, scotland. i have a smallish garden, and at the bottom of the garden i have a coop and a run which houses 6 girls.

my neighbours are happy enough with the arrangements, and are even happier when i donate the odd half dozen eggs to them!

one of my neighbours said that they loved to hear my girls because it reminded her of living in the country

We do have dogs, two border collies and my neighbor on the other side has two german shepherds. They too have a dog, but once they complained about my dog barking I let them know that their dog also barks when they leave her outside when they go to church. They denied it. "Not our dog!" Yup. And we added the fence on our side because their dog would jump into our yard. Oh they complain about everything. When we remodeled our back yard she complained that the weeds from our yard seeded her yard. Our cherry tree died, granted it was 30 yrs old, and she complained about how we killed that. They put up a new fence without discussing it with us, a different section, and then tried to bill us for half. I so wish she had her stupid Ethel Merman singing bird still. I wouldn't worry then.
Thanks on the PS :)

She sounds like a real lulu!!

Reminds me of my first house. When my first ex-husband and I moved into our first house, the backyard neighbor was a young law student. We put up a fence that the neighbor didn't like, so he told my husband that if his kid climbed over the fence, climbed up our tree, fell out and broke his arm, he would sue us. My then-husband informed the young pissant that, should that ever happen, he would find a man named Guido with a violin case standing on his front doorstep. The ex believed in nipping things in the bud. Gotta admit, the little pissant never bothered us again.
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i live almost in teh center of edinburgh, scotland. i have a smallish garden, and at the bottom of the garden i have a coop and a run which houses 6 girls.

my neighbours are happy enough with the arrangements, and are even happier when i donate the odd half dozen eggs to them!

one of my neighbours said that they loved to hear my girls because it reminded her of living in the country


You're so much more civilized than here in the colonies! Certainly, chickens were in every yard in Edinburgh before the wilderness that was America was even thought of being settled. Indeed, they were also inside the castle walls and on the grounds of estates all over Europe! Chickens have even been developed in honor of queens, who then adopted them. How ironic, then, that wannabes in America associate having chickens with being peasants! This is why when planned communities, designed to make everyone appear to be of an upper class, began popping up all over America, homeowners' associations outlawed anything that would ruin their image. However, in older areas where chickens once were the norm, the rules typically never changed to exclude them.

Maybe one day, we'll grow up and catch up.
some neighbors can just be a pain. I really don't think you have to worry that your chickens will be too loud unless you have a rooster. We can't have one in the city limits thats the ordinance in our city. It can be frustrating.
I live in the city of Fayetteville NC in an urban neighborhood but right across the main road is a working cow farm, the only one left in the city. Im not sure what the laws are here but i have my seven girls and two roos..... i plan on rehoming one of the roos but i like the idea of having more baby chicks so i wont get rid of both of them... Ive only had one real complaint saying my roo was crowing at three am and woke her up.... not sure about it however.
I live in a small town in south Louisiana on about 1/3 of an acre. I am an animal lover and have many including chickens (4 marans hens). My neighbors have never complained about any of my animals. The chickens are probably the quietest animals I have though. I have six parrots (2 umbrella cockatoos, 2 BF amazons, 1WF amazon, and a female eclectus) that live oustide in aviaries. ChIckens are nothing compared to them as far as noise goes. Also two golden retrievers. There are some people close to me that have some roosters (I hear them crowing).

I have nice neighbors that seem to enjoy my animals for the most part.

I just took pics for you to see where we are placing it. This pic shows you the coop between the two trees and the back fence (grumpy neighbor). Most of the view going to happy chicken neighbor.

Absolutely beautiful coop and backyard! Sounds like you just have a "Bad Egg" neighbor. I bet she would complain about anything, even if you were her ideal neighbor...just because you were breathing her air!
Enjoy your girls and try not to let them ruin it!
My yard is a postage stamp compared to yours so I don't see why they would complain. My next door neighbors have four yappin little dogs that make way more noise than the chickens ever do. Folks are used to dogs and not chickens I think. If someone were to file a noise complaint I would tell the city they must deal with dogs next door too. Once they get going it can be an hour before they shut up. My girls just get loud here and there when they lay an egg then it ends. Hope all is okay. You have such a great place and set up.
It's so funny I love hearing dogs and noise now. I think to myself keep it up when someone's dog starts barking or loud vehicles drive through. But I am more aware of how quiet we are. You know I just need something to worry about and this is the unknown to me. I went out front this morning around 7:15 to see if I could hear my neighbor's across the streets chickens. I could hear a BAWK every once in a while but nothing continuous. I should take mine over there and and show them how they are to behave.

Thanks Leah21 for the compliments. I would love to have bees and I think if we do it I will put the hive down towards the fence. Hehehe

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