How many chickens can I have?


12 Years
Jun 1, 2007
I know I've read this before. I looked but want to make sure before I go buy more. The fair is coming up next week and I might not be able to resist buying a couple more chicks.

My coop is 12x8 and my run is 25x25. I currently have 15 pullets and 2 roos. How many more pullets can I get if any??
They say standard birds need 4 square feet of coop floor space and 10 square feet per bird with an added run. I try to give closer to 8-10 sq for the coop because we can get nasty winters where they are stuck in there for a day or more. Less space means more picking and uncomfortable birds, so I would consider that in making your decision.

According to your coop size, you have 96 square feet, which equals about 24 chickens (if you use the 4 sq rule). However, if it were me, I wouldn't add any more. They are already at about 5.6 square feet per bird now (with 17 birds). And with their outside run, it gives them optimal space to get away from each other if they like. But that's just my opinion.

Thanks, I want an Americauna/Aauracauna and a couple of Silkie's. I may have to add on to the run, ha ha! DH would kill me if I said that. Sooo, maybe I'll just get one or two and trade off a couple of my rocks or sex-links.

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