How many Chickens can I put in my coop?


8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
I was hoping to finish it last week but bad weather has put me behind so wont be finished for a couple weeks. Anyway the run is 4ft W by 18ft long and the inside is 4ft W by 9ft long. How many can be put in here? Will be hens.
With your coop being 36 square feet, and the recommended space for one large fowl chicken being 4 square feet, you can have 9 chickens.
I've heard a good estimate for inside is 4 sq ft per I believe if I'm correct the inside is 36 sq ft so 9 hens?? I could be wrong but I think thats right
And then you can take into consideration..
Bantam sizes and how much time will they spend inside in the winter..etc

Good luck and have a blast
While the general guideline of a minimum of 4 sq. ft of indoor space is what's typically quoted, you have to look just as much at outside specs. too, moreso really, since even in areas with winters the birds spend most of their time outside for three seasons. You want at least 10 sq. ft of run space per bird, unless you free range quite a bit. Based on the dimensions you mentioned, I'd restrict myself to 7 birds. If you freerange a few hours daily, then maybe another bird or two.
I have ten right now but not sure what the sex is of 6 of them. The Roos will have to go. 3 of them are Banties. I really wanted to keep at least 8 if there all hens.

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