How many chickens do you recommend for my set-up?


10 Years
Oct 7, 2013
Carroll County Maryland
I have a walk-in coop, with multiple perches. Floor space on that is 5x7 ft. so 35 sq.ft. Attached hoop house is 12x10, so 120 sq. ft. there. They will have access to the hoop house every day during the daytime. They will also free range when we are outside. We are in a somewhat rural area near woods, and I'm sure there are hawks around etc so I can't just let them on their own. I am pretty active outside with firewood, leaves etc. but in the winter the days are short so I won't be as much.

What are your thoughts? All together between the run and coop there is 155 sq. ft, but I see so many opinions I don't know what to think! They will be Golden Comets. thanks!
I would start with 6 or so and if you decide you like chickens you could get more. your coop could hold about 12 chickens. if you are planing to get chicks i would wait until spring but if you are getting adult birds you should be fine.
If you consider a minimum of 4 square feet per bird and consider that they might be locked in the coop for any extended period of time, then you get 8-9 birds.
The run is bonus for them.
I have a "how many ?" . I have 8 Silkies in an 8x8 coop, is this too big for them? It's November here in New York and I'm not sure if they can make enough heat in the coop to keep themselves warm.
Thanks for the replies already. We are happy with chickens and we have 4 right now. We are able to buy as many more as we like of laying hens now. Now to just figure out what the best number is.
I have a "how many ?" . I have 8 Silkies in an 8x8 coop, is this too big for them? It's November here in New York and I'm not sure if they can make enough heat in the coop to keep themselves warm.
Good question...
If your birds are fully feathered they should be fine.
The key is a draft-free coop with good ventilation.
The roost board plays a part. A 2x4 turned so the fat (4") side is up allows the birds to hunker down and cover their feet. They will fluff out their feathers as insulation.
Good question...
If your birds are fully feathered they should be fine.
The key is a draft-free coop with good ventilation.
The roost board plays a part. A 2x4 turned so the fat (4") side is up allows the birds to hunker down and cover their feet. They will fluff out their feathers as insulation.

The only issue there is most silks don't roost lol, they dog pile on the floor. In this heap of fluffy feathers.
I have a "how many ?" . I have 8 Silkies in an 8x8 coop, is this too big for them? It's November here in New York and I'm not sure if they can make enough heat in the coop to keep themselves warm.

Does it have a nest box? i find the silkies go in there, as many as they can squeeze into the sections. For my daughters youngest silkies, we made a little box, there just over 8wks so don't need a real nest box but gives them a 'cuddle spot" since generally silkies don't roost and prefer to pile on top of each other.

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