How many chickens for a first timer?


8 Years
Nov 27, 2011
South Lyon, Michigan
I live 40 acres and want to convert one stall in my older barn for chickens. 10' X12' stall wood up to 4 feet, rails up another 4' and open at the top to rafters. I have electric and water in the barn.I want to raise hens for eggs for myself and maybe sell a few surplus. I live in Michigan. So I was thinking about starting with 10 chickens, but I wasn't sure about the 25 minimum from some breeders. Currently I have 6 horses that I care for in the other barn. I plan on putting wire mesh around the base and I have rubber horse mats that will constitute the floor. I was planning on putting netting over the top of the stall to keep other birds and prey out.
They will need to roost and you will need nest boxes for them to lay eggs in when they start laying. If predators (including rats) can get in the barn I would use hard ware cloth or welded wire fencing to keep the predators out. Also 10 birds will produce quite a bit of manure so I would use pine shavings on the floor to control moisture and odor. From what I am imagining in my head the space you describe would be adequate for that number of birds. If you post a picture I bet you will get lots of suggestions from the good folks here. As far as ordering that number of chickens try they will ship as few as 3 chicks. They have red and black stars which are excellent layers. Good luck!
You can get just ten chicks from several different hatcheries (Meyer hatchery is one) - and you can get ten from individual breeders. I think 10 would be a great starting number - although you will almost certainly get more fairly soon when you see how enjoyable and entertaining chickens can be.

Once the chicks are a few weeks old - a four foot wall won't stop them. I have 10 month pullets who will quickly jump up on a 4 ft high sawhorse - and then to the top of the 10 ft high pen - and outside to freedom! We're remedying that issue today with hardware cloth over the top of the pen.

I can't emphasize enough how important hardware cloth is for protecting your chicks. There are lots of predators - and they can be quite devious and persistent in getting to free feathered meals.
I took some pics but I don't know if I can post them. Trying to follow FAQ instructions
1. Stall Front
2. Stall EastWall
3. Stall West Wall
4. Rafters above entry door
5. Rubber Floor Mats, very heavy.

I was planning on putting a 2x6 across entry so I can deep litter method.
1/2 " Wire mesh around lower 12 inches of wall and 12 in under rubber mats.
Close off the rafters with netting, chicken wire, or even 1/2" wire mesh.
I have all the brooding material, so I was just going to start out brooding right in the stall with a brooder pen.
The Barn has sllidinng entry doors at both ends that latch. I was planning on opening the stall door and then let them out the entry door to free range.
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Very nice coop area! I started with 6 hens and 9 chicks but I had less space than you. I would do a couple dozen at least if I had the space like you do. Depends on what kinds I guess.
as many as you can afford to feed ~
and as many as you want to haul water for
good luck!
+ wishing I had 40 acres! +
We are a family of 5, we eat eggs daily. We have 8 layers and it's not enough. I've been running out of eggs and we rarely pass them out.

My 2 most favorite layers are the rhode island red and Easter Eggers. They are big eggs that are laid daily. Here's a pack of my eggs.

They will need to roost and you will need nest boxes for them to lay eggs in when they start laying. If predators (including rats) can get in the barn I would use hard ware cloth or welded wire fencing to keep the predators out. Also 10 birds will produce quite a bit of manure so I would use pine shavings on the floor to control moisture and odor. From what I am imagining in my head the space you describe would be adequate for that number of birds. If you post a picture I bet you will get lots of suggestions from the good folks here. As far as ordering that number of chickens try they will ship as few as 3 chicks. They have red and black stars which are excellent layers. Good luck!

x3 plus 10 is plenty.

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