How many chickens half acre

It depends on the coop you will be using. A prefab coop that you purchase doesn't correctly advertise the appropriate number of chickens that can fit in those coops, you are best to cut the number they state in half... if the box says 4 chickens can fit in the coop, truly only 2 can. But if you build your own coop you could then determine how many chickens you can have.
I would personally start with 6 chicks, and even number, and enough if some chicks get sick you will will still have others together.
I have 16 chickens, a 240 square foot coop with attached 300 square foot run, inside a 1/2 acre fenced in pen.

The birds are confined to coop/run until late morning, then released into the fenced area, and are then free ranged in the afternoon till dark.

I found that my 16 birds will denude a 1/2 acre area in just a matter of weeks, if kept in area without free range time.

Your mileage may vary.
attached 300 square foot run, inside a 1/2 acre fenced in pen
My smart aleck comment aside... What do you use to fence in half an acre? Math says that's about 500-600 feet of fence. What is an economical way to do that? My economical is probably different from someone else's, so, say $250-$500? I don't think this is in my future, but I can dream...
I had about twenty birds and some small livestock on a quarter acre. The birds got fed every night and freeranged every day. Now I have over 3/4 acre and other livestock. My 3/4 can easily handle about 40 birds, including bantams, but over that and I start having over hunting. I hope that helps, but I can’t tell you further because they have other critters with them too.

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