How many chickens have you lost?

My hens are locked up at night, free range during the day on our 7 acres. In the last year we have lost 6 of my 15 hen flock- two have simply disappeared never to be found, two have been killed by hawks where we found the bodies, one has died from hawk injuries, and one has died from unknown causes - I just don't know (gnats, heat stress, hawk attack stress). I feel like the Grim Reaper of Hens....
Lost 2 hens this spring to a hawk, 1 hen this spring to a fox, 2 hens just a few weeks ago to the same fox, and one 3 day old chick to natural causes.

This was after a whole year of no predators or neighborhood dog attacks or what have you. My husband reminds me that chickens are near the bottom of the food chain and it should be expected to happen
Lost 3 yesterday afternoon (1 Roo and 2 hens).
2 dogs went through my 6ft wood privacy fence while they were free-ranging.... guess they will stay in their coop now.
I have one in the bathtub (hoping she will pull through the ordeal, giving anitibotics and vitamins) and one that was untouched.

The ducks were in another yard and are fine, the 19 babies still in the coop were fine.

ARGGGG... I was devastated.
Since I started in April 2010 I have lost 1 to a hawk, 1 to internal laying, 1 little chick to a cat(not my cat), 1 little chick disapeard in a big storm, and one little chick from a hatchery to unknown causes.
I think I have been very lucky since they all freerange all day. they only get locked up at night.
I am soooo sorry... I lost 3 to a dog yesterday.
I love dogs, I have 3, but I understand your loss.

thanks you. I am sorry for your loss too. I love dogs but this one has caused me a lot of trouble over the years. this is his first kill though. I am just glad it was the chickens and not my sheep. They are probably on his menu for later on though, which is why he HAS to go.
I know how you feel too, unfortunately. I had 5 hens that had just started to lay last fall. They were attacked in their run by two dogs that were "rescued" by a neighbor (about 1/4 mile away). I came home and found the dogs in the run with chicken feet and one wing next to them. They actually ATE the chickens! The dogs were VERY thin and obviously hungry. I was devistated, but I started all over again this spring with 6 new babies! And, I reinforced the run!

Sorry to hear of your loss.
It's hard to go through!

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