How many duck eggs did you get today?

The days are now noticeably shorter but we're still getting an average of 6 eggs per day from 8 young ducks. I'm starting to see feathers on the ground more often so that will be I guess another thing affecting the rent we receive from the ducks...

The ducks have been reading the forum again, I don't know how they can get wifi in there... Anyway, 0, zero, no eggs today, for the first time since they started laying. I even took a stick and poked all over the straw bedding to discover the hidden cache, but no luck.
The ducks have been reading the forum again, I don't know how they can get wifi in there... Anyway, 0, zero, no eggs today, for the first time since they started laying. I even took a stick and poked all over the straw bedding to discover the hidden cache, but no luck.
lack of daylight.
I got 1 chicken egg, too. Nothing stops my Leghorn, I tell you.
Funny our leghorns are the ones who lay every other day for me and they are newer layers. My comets and austrolorps some of them lay two a day. I don’t understand the whole dynamic but I’m considering cameras inside the coop

I have falsely accused the ducks... Sorry girls 😭

Today I found a stash of 6 yesterday's and 6 today's eggs... in a part of the coop leading directly to the door which I ignored in my stick-poking as being super unlikely. I guess a career in de-mining is not for me.

Also, it's helpful how sturdy duck eggs are since that area is very much trampled on. Lots of straw over and under the eggs helps. Even managed to bump them against the door on my way out and they are still OK.

So I guess they are telling me they would like some fresh straw/hay in the part of the coop they have previously decided it's for nesting. I hear and obey!
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