How many Ducks does everyone have.

3 rescue Mallards

Mallory, Sophie, Trudy (Male)

Mallory is a gorgeous hen but the brattiest.
Sophie is still a wild child and afraid of her mom and dad.
Trudy (aka. Mr. Boy) is so sweet and loves ducklings.

Both drakes in the foreground. You can see which one is the louder one. The fat and greedy, yet very calm and non-aggressive drake. Today I found them all with empty crop except he was stuffed completely. He must have found something!

One of the ladies. She seems to be the most developed and I was almost certain she will start laying this fall. She did not. She has quite fat ass already, and she wags it in front of two drakes constantly. Never leads the flock tho, tame and sometimes loud.

The fat drake's fiance. She only cares for the black drake, despite the fact he's not the leader. She often tries to make him 'rock the boat', but he seems to have sight and hearing issues. When he does mount her, she usually hardly gets some air, because he's not as gentle (and' he's fat :)) as the leading drake. On the left side, the hen from above.

Picture doesn't show her color correctly. She's red-ish brown. Fawn colored. All three have different color. She is the loudest and sometimes quacks ferociously and there's nothing you can do to make her stop. She does stop if I go away (have to step up fast so they don't follow me) or give them corn kernels. She often takes the lead of the feathered gang and both drakes follow her without objections.

And the last photo shows my dogs looking at the drakes with sad eyes filled with tears, because the feathered gang took control of their newly dug vole hole. They started digging the next one in a minute and they got shooed away again by ducks.

The duck are all supposed to be Indian Runner Ducks. I was not informed about the varieties, but I have a feeling one is fawn duck, one is trout duck and the third - I don't know. She has grey back. The drakes are Mallard and black drake. Could be a bit mixed up already, who knows?

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