How Many Dudd Eggs is Too Many for a Beginner Layer?


9 Years
Dec 20, 2015
North Hollywood, CA
I have a Whiting True Green pullet (well hen I guess) who is 16 weeks old. She eat grower feed with access to Oyster shell and grit, grass and other plants, and fruit, scraps, occasionally dairy or a scoop of ricotta (very little that 11 chickens fight over). I have younger chickens, so I'm going to keep feeding grower.

So, she's my only chicken that should be laying green eggs. There are others her age, but I think she's the only one that has started laying. Last week I found 2 dudd eggs on the poop trays: 1 with a totally rubber outside, one with a soft green shell. I quickly got the wooden eggs into the nest box.

The next day, a pretty little green egg was deposited in the nest box! Yay! Then the next day nothing. That's fine. I was expecting several days of nothing. But then we had 3 consecutive days of little green eggs in the nest box, a little later each day, just as one would expect! Such a good girl!

Today though, again a cracked, pretty soft green egg on the roosting bars-and early in the morning too, like not even 25 hours since the last egg.

My question is is it normal for a young hen to go back and forth between good and not good eggs for a while? Is it enough that I'm setting out oyster shell? I also live in SoCal and it is very hot right now. They have shade and I wet down their area at intervals, plus provide ice water-so I don't think they are under too much stress.

Is there something more I should be doing?
16 weeks old is pretty early for a pullet to lay... are you 100% sure it's her?
I know right!!! But I don't have any older chickens!! Those are my oldest ones. It's her or the equal age Amber stars from Murray McMurray, and they lay brown eggs. Plus her comb and earlobes started coming in before everyone elses.
Her system is just working things out, but you could give her a high calcium treat or a calcium supplement if you are unsure she is eating the oyster shell. We’ve had a couple weird eggs at the beginning. As long as she is acting normal, I would try not to worry too much.
I will relax, but what's another calcium treat I could give. Grubs I guess.
I know right!!! But I don't have any older chickens!! Those are my oldest ones. It's her or the equal age Amber stars from Murray McMurray, and they lay brown eggs. Plus her comb and earlobes started coming in before everyone elses.

I will relax, but what's another calcium treat I could give. Grubs I guess.
greens (kale, spinach, etc.), greek yogurt, canned salmon or even just a calcium vitamin 😊 for our flock, yogurt is the most fun to feed. our gals go crazy over it and yogurt ends up everywhere. it’s delightful to watch haha
greens (kale, spinach, etc.), greek yogurt, canned salmon or even just a calcium vitamin 😊 for our flock, yogurt is the most fun to feed. our gals go crazy over it and yogurt ends up everywhere. it’s delightful to watch haha
Yes i love giving yogurt as our toddler recently started refusing to eat his. They love it but shake their beaks allô ernthe place!!!
I vote for greens, your eggs taste better!

She is just getting the glitches worked out, it may take almost a month before she gets fairly steady.
Thanks, I'm not complaining I'm actually impressed with these eggs, but i don't want to neglect them if they need a supplement or something!

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