How many eggs did you get in January?


9 Years
Jul 18, 2010
North Texas, Dallas Area
I am keeping track on an excel sheet and I was kind of suprised how many eggs I really did get.
My young ones started laying in the middle of the month so I am curious as to how many eggs i will get in February. This month my chickies gave me 123 eggs!!
I'm ashamed to admit that in January I only got 218 eggs from an average of 220 hens. In their defense though, most are just getting old enough to lay, got the first few eggs around Christmas from 2010's hatch. They run from 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 months old.

Sold down now to only about 87 hens and a few roosters, so the numbers will be much better in February.
I don't push the hens in dead of winter, as they need their energy for self heating, but still. These cold hardy egg layer crosses did very well.
Averaged 4.8 eggs per week across the folk. The ISA Brown and Black Stars did even better. Starting pullets did OK.

With so little sunlight here at the 45th Parallel and temps that averaged -4F at night, plus, Zero days above freezing, I was pleased.
279 out of 11 hens and we have about 2 feet of snow on the ground and it has been as cold as -20 below at night. I just went to pellets from mash today so they get all they need. They desided to leave have the mash each day because they are getting picky. May slow dowm.
I have 6 pullets and got 114 eggs in January. Two of the pullets just started toward the end of January so I think that is a pretty good amount of eggs. I don't have any lights in the coop and it has been COLD.

This is my first post but I have been lurking here for a long time. I would like to thank everyone on here for posting so many ideas. It has helped make my first year with chickens a lot more fun. So, thank you one and all.

9 hens a shocking 248 eggs in january. I average 8 eggs a day. One day in january I got 17 eggs from them. All EE's. Also got lots of eggs from my bantams. The cold nj winter hasn't slowed them down a bit.

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