How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

10/15 but two of the 15 are 6 years old and only lay when I threaten them with the stew pot. The weird thing is my guinea hens have started laying again. I thought they had stoppped for the season in October until we started getting surprises in mid Dec. Very cold here in Mid-coast.
Whoa! I'm retracting my previous post. I went to lock up the girls tonight and there was 7/7!!!
Why they would all lay in these temperatures are beyond me, but they did!!! They must have known Mama wants to finish up the Christmas baking!
I have nine birds--possibly one rooster in there---and five of them are laying. I got four out of five today! Actually I should check out there again when I put them to bed. I might find one more.

nada- zilch- elzippo- nothing- zero
There is some major slackin' going on here - I think I need to do what my dad did- he hung a KFC bucket from the ceiling of his coop with the note that read- "eggs or else"!
It worked- turns out chickens can read:)
9/25 the ol' gals must be taking their Christmas vacation early oh well I guess they deserve a break they really laid very well for me this past year, no complaints in the executive dept. They've all got their bonuses coming for Christmas.


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