How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Since I've not had these chickens but 2-3 weeks, I'm trying to decide if they are molting or just not laying cause of the move. I see lots and lots of feathers outside the coop so I'm guessing molting but I'll guess I'll have to wait and long does it take one to molt ??
how old are the birds are they over the 3 weeks old? or did you pickup adult hens
They are adult hens....previous owner said right around a year old.....the previous owners said they were pretty sure they were laying but with the number of birds they had, they couldn't 100% guarantee it.
8 eggs today.
As for how long does it take a chicken to molt, it varies from about a month to several months! Give them a lot of extra protein, meal worms, scrambled eggs, ... it helps them grow the new feathers (faster).
You obviously got the chickens full grown so they might be stressed from changing homes. How much scratch are you feeding them compared to the Layer feed? You might try feeding them only the Layer feed for a while and make sure they have enough calcium. Put oyster shell out for them to eat at their free will.
You obviously got the chickens full grown so they might be stressed from changing homes. How much scratch are you feeding them compared to the Layer feed? You might try feeding them only the Layer feed for a while and make sure they have enough calcium. Put oyster shell out for them to eat at their free will.
sorry to budge in...if layer feed has oyster shell in it, do we or should we add it or egg shell separate?
Thank you (ours are very close so I'll change to omega 3 but not sure about oyster shell yet

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