How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

10/17 today been weaning them off the timer light this week. as the days are getting longer. been averaging 8-14 eggs a day this week from my 17 pullets/ hens i think they like sleeping in until 6 instead of getting up at 3 with the timer. lol.
12 this morning, 9 just now when I shut them up for the night. About a third are blue/green, the rest shades of brown. No whites.
I got 5 out of 9 again. I'm taking care of some chickens now until a friend finds another place to live and there are 3 hens and a roo in her pen and there was 1 egg today there.

Starting to get impatient on my 2 young pullets. I wasn't expecting much till spring actually arrived, but one got red faced and soon her brothers started going after her. She's had the cockerels after her for going on 2 weeks and I saw him mounting her sister this morning....should be about time by now!!

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