How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Wow, I can hardly believe that no one has posted on here today!
Working on the west fence Sunday and Monday. @#$% fox came back Monday after I stopped working on the fence around 5. Got the tractor put away and came down to the barn to put the girls in the coop. All but 3 in the barn, went back out to collect the missing three JUST as the fox was trying to snag one of them not 20' from the barn door. I would have lost another had I not come out JUST then. Fox ran to the south and went through the cattle panel fence. No surprise, if it can fit through a 6" square opening it would have no problem getting through an 8" one. Chickens confined to quarters for the time being, not even letting them into the barn alley since the alpacas' door is always open and the fox could come in that way.

I ordered a 164' 4' electronet which should come Friday afternoon. I can make a run area for them near the barn and connect it to the hot wire that runs on top of the perimeter fence. DW saw the fox from the kitchen window at 5:30 yesterday out in the field probably chasing a vole which is what it SHOULD be eating. A truck went up the road south of our house about the time the fox got to the road and it ran back into the woods.

seems same today here just us did everyone else go camping ?
Yesterday was shopping and egg delivery day. 5 eggs. Eating lunch now, will be working on the fence after. I'll let the girls out while I'm working but they are going back in BEFORE I put the tractor away today. No way I'm leaving them out until all the fence work is done. And even then they might be confined to the electronet. Better than the coop but not the amount of space they've always had in the past.
Crap Bruce Fox not good in any way lucky you came out when you did it is just 11:30 here only 1 from main and 1 from silky so far but main room in the silky coop is clean
I have no idea....broodies keep taking and hiding. Other girls find new places.
So far today iv'e FOUND three.
One was this one so i'm not quite so peturbed. But I am a bit worried Marlene may have broke the backdoor.:D

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