How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

MxPres, I don't know what could be happening but I saw this a few weeks ago and we started adding it to the warn mush we make up for them in the morning. I'd be interested to see if it has any affect on your flock. My Gals have been laying away all winter as you know. I can't say this has anything to do with it but you might try it. Instead of cayenne pepper I used what I had and that was crushed red pepper flakes.

This is in this same forum and is listed as 'Want a tip that will make your hens lay like its spring in the winter':

Thanks JimW,For the tip,I must have overlooked that in this vast world of information,I will be giving my hens a dose of the pepper starting tomorrow,,Again thanks for the information,,mxpres
6/7 and I got 40 eggs total this week! That's excellent for 7 hens with snow and below freezing cold!!
What an awesome day for laying chickens! Looks like lots of peoples' chickens laid max amount of eggs today! I have to add our flock to that list as well. Finally today we got 8/8.
Sorry to be breaking the 100% streak, but it was still a great day for us! We got 15 out of 22 ... Possibly there is another one out there by now. I Think that is a new record for us. Everyone is doing good and they are all very healthy. YAY!!!
20/35 not as impressive as some others posted but still have 5 of the total listed to start laying yet the rest are either just done with their molt or still a little lazy, but I can't blame them I don't work so well in the cold either. Here before long the nice temps will be here and I'll have eggs running out my ears.


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