How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

10/10 perfect little ladies though i dropped four by accident on the way in, so three in the feed pan, one to to broody raising ten now.
6 yesterday and 4 so far today! I believe that one of my RIR hens is never going to start laying. They are pushing 7 months old and have been laying since the first of the year but I have yet to see this girl in the nest box or even seem interested in the nest. Plus, with having 8 hens I have yet to get 8 eggs. I have gotten 7 a day for a couple of days in row but never 8. Maybe with spring approaching she will begin to lay. My flock only free range when I am outside because of hawks so I know she isn't hiding her eggs.
I got 4 eggs from my 5 hens....they all lay in the same place, and it is not a nesting box, but between the roosting bars, and yes that is an extension cord (heat lamp on a thermostat) with the eggs! Is all laying in the same place normal? It almost always happens and the eggs look like gifts to me!

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