How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Guess What!!.... The day that I gave my meat chicken away to a Place that takes unwanted chickens ( they do not kill the chickens) I found an egg the reason why I was giving her away was because she was 6 months old and never laid me an egg until the day I gave her away and I didn't find it until yesterday, and she looked like she was going to lay an egg but I kept denying it because i didn't think she would lay me an egg
7 out of 10 today, still averaging between 5 to 7 a day.
21 weeks would be REALLY early for any EE I've gotten.
Glyness is one of my 2 EE and started laying at 18 weeks! She even laid 2 on her first day. Her sister started about 2 weeks later. Only pullets in the flock still not laying are the 2 speckled sussex. One of them is developing wider hips but the other still looks slender. There might be another egg today, the sfh are newest layers and still pretty erratic on time of day.
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7 out of 10 today, still averaging between 5 to 7 a day.
Glyness is one of my 2 EE and started laying at 18 weeks! She even laid 2 on her first day. Her sister started about 2 weeks later. Only pullets in the flock still not laying are the 2 speckled sussex. One of them is developing wider hips but the other still looks slender. There might be another egg today, the sfh are newest layers and still pretty erratic on time of day.
Really! Wow! All my EE's are 22-24 weeks still no eggys, hoping they lay soon 🤞
4 out of 6, but I’m pretty sure one was laid last night after I collected. There was a hen in a nest when I went to lock them up last night.

Really! Wow! All my EE's are 22-24 weeks still no eggys, hoping they lay soon 🤞
I had one start at 24 weeks, and her sister is now 30 weeks and still no eggs. Hopefully yours start laying soon.
maybe once their 30-35 weeks old they will lay my. hen didn't lay till 6 months old
Yup, that's about what I've been told to expect, but their waddles and combs have gotten really red really fast hoping that's a sign they might lay earlier, but probably not. I'm just really impatient in getting my first egg 🤣
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