How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I just knew I would get 6 today from my 6 sex links because I finally figured out who was the new layer. Lucille was in the nest box bright and early this morning and laid her egg...same color as the egg from 2 days ago.

BUT someone else took a day off. Goldie's egg was much larger so just maybe she is getting this down pat.

One of the BO's was in a nest box this morning but figure she was just checking it all out since her comb and face are very pale and no squat yet.

One of the SLW is making sounds like the sex links and her comb/wattles are suddenly quite red; maybe she will be joining the sex links as one of my layers.
25 big brown ones yesterday from our Gals!!! It was hotten than... well, let's just leave it with it was hot!!! Teresa went out yesterday afternoon and dampened down the run and turned on the mister for about an hour or so to cool the Gals down. She said they were standing there with their wings held up to cool off and panting open-beaked when she went down but they were all excited and hunting bugs that came up when she used the shower setting to wet things down. One thing I've noticed this year is they sure go though a lot of water when it's hot. We have a couple of 5-gallon waterers and both need to be refilled every day because they are almost dry when I let them out to free-range at dusk.
Whoa!!! Things must be slowing down if I'm posting back-to-back on this thread... But today we got 25 big brown ones again from our 30 GC Gals!!! It was miserably hot again today here in central NC with PM temps at 99 F when I left work. I parked under a shade tree at work and when I started up to pull out the temp said 99. By the time I got home it'd dropped all the way down to 96 F. I thought the bottom was going to fall out and I'd have to rush home to cover all my plants and wrap my pipes... NOT!!!
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Boo-Boo's Mama :

I just knew I would get 6 today from my 6 sex links because I finally figured out who was the new layer. Lucille was in the nest box bright and early this morning and laid her egg...same color as the egg from 2 days ago.

BUT someone else took a day off. Goldie's egg was much larger so just maybe she is getting this down pat.

One of the BO's was in a nest box this morning but figure she was just checking it all out since her comb and face are very pale and no squat yet.

One of the SLW is making sounds like the sex links and her comb/wattles are suddenly quite red; maybe she will be joining the sex links as one of my layers.

SIX before noon...way to go!!
waiting now on the other 16 pullets!​

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