How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

16/22 Pretty good I guess considering they were trying to lay this morning when we had lots of thunder/lightening/heavy rain/hail and was much darker than usual. Hoping for a new record tomorrow!
Day before yesterday I had more eggs than I do females. Turns out that someone was hiding eggs by pushing them under a basket. UNDER the bottom of the basket down in the woodchips. I think she was telling me something.

Yesterday I had a good egg day 9/10 button quail & 2 / 3 coturnix (3rd rarely lays).
Today, so far, all but one or two of the button quail have laid eggs. I've lost count. One coturnix so far, but they lay up til midnight sometimes.
Wow, that's a lot of chickens!

I got two.. one from newly laying pullet and nother wrinkly white one from grumpy old hen.
Our Gals have been busy little layers lately. We've gotten 26 to 27 for the past week from our 30 Gold Comets! I guess this weather agrees with them. I've also noticed the last 6 hens seem to have completed their molt and are back in full feather now. They've also been getting a little more free range time in the evenings lately too when Teresa has been letting them out about an hour or more before dark. They seem to really enjoy being out and eating grass and chasing bugs.

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