How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

6 out of 6 today. I would expect in the next day or so to be down 1-2 because if it takes something like 24-26 hours between eggs, eventually there will be a day of rest. I do have a couple that lay later in the day.

They don't ever lay an egg at night, do they? I've seen as late as 4-5pm.
6 out of 6 today. I would expect in the next day or so to be down 1-2 because if it takes something like 24-26 hours between eggs, eventually there will be a day of rest. I do have a couple that lay later in the day.

They don't ever lay an egg at night, do they? I've seen as late as 4-5pm.

My girls lay somtimes as late as 11 am but no more
So how many do you have in birds? ages? where are you located all this can make differences

I have 6 girls. 4 are just over 6 months and 2 are just over 8 months. I'm in Illinois. Weather has been in low 50s during the day and 30-35 at night. It gets dark pretty early now, so way less light. I do notice they are active even in the dark. They don't seem to let the dark bother them.

Here they are foraging around in the pitch black night--had to use flash in camera.

Or maybe she’s a late bloomer and getting getting used to laying?
They can start at a wide range of ages even within breed. I've had girls that started as early as 19 weeks and as late as 31 weeks. The 5 I got this April will be 28 weeks tomorrow. 2 have yet to lay, one started at 23 weeks but only laid 3 eggs then stopped. Only the 2 Barred Rocks are laying regularly. Both laid yesterday.

They don't ever lay an egg at night, do they? I've seen as late as 4-5pm.
They will occasionally drop one off the roost at night, no idea what time, I'm not out there with them after dark.

Here they are foraging around in the pitch black night--had to use flash in camera.
That is EXTREMELY unusual, chickens have very poor night vision and usually go to roost as it starts to get dark.
That is EXTREMELY unusual, chickens have very poor night vision and usually go to roost as it starts to get dark.

They all are doing it--7 of them. They move around in the coop in the dark without issue too. I've heard them and brought a flashlight out to check and sure enough they are going up and down between roosts and scratching around in there.

Mine seem to almost prefer night and get more active. I would like them to rest but I can not make it any darker.

This has become more evident as it got darker earlier. It's like they are still on summer time and are not letting the dark affect them or what they did for months before the seasons changed here.

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