How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Our ducks, new layers an ones that are starting back are beginning to bless us with their eggs again how many are you getting daily? Today 1-27-20 I got 3 duck eggs from my youngest Runners who have just begun to lay. 8 months and 6 months old
I got 9 out of 10 this morning. I have my duck house lights dimming up about hour and a half before sunrise. They seem productive then.

I’m so ready for Spring. Winter care for the ducks is very time consuming, and I always worry about them in the cold.
I have a question about chicken eggs. Please don't laugh. Do they get bigger?? My black copper Marans has given me her first eggs these past two days, she's about 5 months old. But darn, they are the size of guinea eggs! I thought Marans layed large eggs?

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