How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

HeiHei is in a box in the bathroom not able to walk and is gasping. He has no signs really if Marek's and everyone is stumped. I've been crying on and off for days. My husband felt so bad that he let me get 8 bantam chicks yesterday.

I'm giving him dewormer and antibiotics. He's eating and drinking through a syringe. He's the first chicken I've had that's been like this.

When he breathes sometimes I hear a pop in his chest... I'm honestly thinking him and Squatch got in a scuffle over a girl or something. Unfortunately Squatch is a big guy and I believe he injured HeiHei. I'm thinking deflated air sac or crop from being kicked. It's not Squatch's fault... Unfortunately I'll blame myself for allowing a bantam to live with standard chickens.

If he makes it... I just bought him his own bantam flock so he can live with his own kind. I just have to make the new fenced in area.

I’m sorry to hear that, I hope he recovers
Four goose eggs from three geese, collected this morning early. :idunno I looked in that spot yesterday afternoon, but maybe I didn't dig around as well as I thought I did. Also eleven from the chickens and from the turkeys, two. DH does not eat eggs and none of the eggs are fertile so far but possibly the turkey ones. I already have way more turkeys than freezer space. I might have to make some more friends or become an eggatarian. Even then, I'm not sure what I would do with all the eggs.
Four goose eggs from three geese, collected this morning early. :idunno I looked in that spot yesterday afternoon, but maybe I didn't dig around as well as I thought I did. Also eleven from the chickens and from the turkeys, two. DH does not eat eggs and none of the eggs are fertile so far but possibly the turkey ones. I already have way more turkeys than freezer space. I might have to make some more friends or become an eggatarian. Even then, I'm not sure what I would do with all the eggs.
How do turkey eggs taste?

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