How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Mornings! 6 eggs today but I’m fine with that. I went to the store to purchase kale for my ladies and there was a sign that they are out of eggs!We have “golden” eggs at home, so we are all grateful for this! Thank you ladies... and you deserve to play in the muddy yard now ( I had to keep them in the pen because of the rain)!I’m working from home now and spend my lunch time cleaning 😂
28 yesterday - have not collected today. 24 chicken and 4 duck. Of course, I have 40+ hens and only 4 ducks so you tell me who is pulling her weight versus not!! :hmm I have 3 hens I really should cull though. One with bad recurrent conjunctivitis and sinusitis since summer, that I cannot get to clear, one CCL that lays a perfect shell-less egg EOD, and one dumpy naked neck with an abdominal tumor the size of TX. She just lugs that thing around and seems oblivious. I wish she would act just a little sicker so I could euthanize her without guilt. I hate euthanizing chickens.
28 yesterday - have not collected today. 24 chicken and 4 duck. Of course, I have 40+ hens and only 4 ducks so you tell me who is pulling her weight versus not!! :hmm I have 3 hens I really should cull though. One with bad recurrent conjunctivitis and sinusitis since summer, that I cannot get to clear, one CCL that lays a perfect shell-less egg EOD, and one dumpy naked neck with an abdominal tumor the size of TX. She just lugs that thing around and seems oblivious. I wish she would act just a little sicker so I could euthanize her without guilt. I hate euthanizing chickens.
Hard choice ☹️
I got three eggs today☺️ We have three hens and one rooster, so that’s a good day for us! And they are beautiful! 59CF2ECE-2679-4EF8-9EBE-9C222E2F120E.jpeg

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