How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

The big one is the rooster egg, right? 😉
lol 😂 it’s actually this sweet lil gal! She’s the smallest hen who lays the biggest eggs😆 0FA3BE40-35A3-4821-8C4C-4FC97FAFCC47.jpeg
I don't think I should have ever let my pekins free range... they haven't layed since... Well actually they could be laying somewhere else 🤔 I may have to invest in a go pro and put it on Princess Peaches. For the past 2 weeks I've been getting 1.5eggs aday average
Why not just let them out later than normal so they get use to laying inside their coop?
I had one egg today. And one crazy black East Indie drake that decided he was going to chase my female terv back and forth across his pen over and over while i refilled water today. It was the craziest thing I had ever seen. This little black duck getting this dog to basically play tag back and forth over and over. The dog loved the game! The other ducks clearly thought this duck had lost his marbles though.

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